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DENNIS ANYONE? with Dennis Hensley

Welcome to Dennis Anyone, a podcast about making things up and making things happen. I love to talk to creative types about what they do and how they do it. Hope you enjoy my conversations as much as I do. - Dennis H.

Dec 6, 2016

Dennis visits the Echo Park home of screenwriter David Michael Barrett to talk with Barrett and director Casper Andreas about the new gay thriller they produced together "Kiss Me Kill Me." The pair talk about the inspiration for the script, the demands of the Kickstarter campaign, shooting at Pink Dot, and landing their cast, which includes Queer as Folk's Gale Herold and As the World Turns' Van Hansis. They also talk about hypnosis, which figures in the movie's plot, poking fun of West Hollywood, shooting ariel shots with a drone, having to create one-line roles for Kickstarter donors and how much sex to include. Other topics include: creating fake sperm, the best time they ever had in a limo, the surprising audience at the gay film fest in Toyko and what keeps them going as filmmakers.