Dec 28, 2017
A year ago this week, we lost both Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. For the final Dennis Anyone of 2017, Dennis shares the tape from the few minutes he got to spend with both of them in their natural habitat, Carrie's Coldwater Canyon home. FROM DENNIS: "In 1994, I interviewed Carrie for Detour Magazine about her book Delusions of Grandma. I spent over two hours at her Coldwater Canyon home--we actually did the interview in her bed--and near the end, Debbie Reynolds showed up for a mother-daughter interview they had scheduled right after mine. Watching the two of them interact was like a scene of out of Postcards from the Edge. It's a little chaotic to listen to--you may hear a publicist and a makeup artist chime in--but the special bond that Carrie and Debbie shared comes through loud and clear."