May 3, 2016
Semi-Live from New York...Dennis visits director Victor Mignattiin his apartment to talk about his life as adirector of narrative films ("Broadway Damage"), documentaries("This Time") and commercials. Victor talks about what it was liketo go in and restore "Broadway Damage" for its 15th anniversary andhow much New York has changed since he shot the film, recalls whatit was like to come to NYU summer school for film while he wasstill in high school in Philadelphia, and bonding with ElvisPresley's back-up singers The Sweet Inspirations when he told theirstory in "This Time." Victor recalls what it was like to be adirector on MTV's "The Real World: New Orleans," shares what he'sobserved about the advertising world based on his experiencedirecting commercials and explains how commercials are cast. Othertopics include: working with R. Kelly on his "Trapped In theCloset" opus, going to the Grammys and dancing with Liza Minnelliiat Studio 54 on his 19th birthday.