Mar 3, 2020
Dennis ventures to a near-empty house in Hollywood to talk with previous guest, writer-actor-author David Dean Bottrell about the new Random House audiobook of his one-man show David Dean Bottrell Makes Love. He talks about the genesis of the show, bonding with audience members after the show, how the show intersects with his Hollywood career, being gay married before it was national, having it all and losing it all overnight, getting over heartbreak, dating in Los Angeles, what his current boyfriend thinks of the show and what he's learned about love. We also talk about Available Men, the short film that changed the game for him, the state of gay content and talent in the current climate and how the LGBTQ actors he teaches are much more chill about being out. Other topics include: appearing in the Emmy-winning webseries After Forever, the ring he lost and wants back, the joy of TV Guide, his most impactful teacher, the Mayor Pete of it all, conspiring with Kathy Bates and the mannequin that didn't get away.