Mar 16, 2019
Dennis meets David Dean Bottrell at a coffeehouse in Hollywood to talk about David's new book "Working Actor: Breaking In, Making a Living, and Making a Life in the Fabulous Trenches of Show Business." David talks about the L.A. Times review that inspired him to write the book, how he sold it and some of the topics the book addresses, like social media, networking and the role luck plays in building a career in entertainment. He also talks about the role on Boston Legal that changed the game for him, working on lots of crime shows where he kills people, leaving LA for New York in 2016, being in the stage show Streep Tease and getting work from it and wonderful moments of serendipity that landed him is manager and agent. Other topics include: the Ann-Margaret movie he saw when he was too young to see it, growing up as a minister's kid, his first concert and the worst thing that ever went wrong for him on stage. It evolves partial nudity and a bed.